We spend days figuring out how to be more productive and often we waste a lot of time watching videos on YouTube, podcasts, motivational videos and then we turn off the pc with a lot of theory, but practice… nothing!! Today I want to talk about some foolproof method for productivity and organisation. Tested by me! Ah!
Honestly, I think I’m the least organized person in the world! I have been disorganized for years, currently, it is going better, but I am aware that I could do more.
I spent years, mostly during university, or when I just arrived in London, watching motivational and productivity videos, but all the methods failed miserably after a while.
Being organized and consequently productive is not easy: motivation is a must! That’s why I think it’s necessary to use some techniques, I’m actually putting into practice, and they are helping me a lot.
I share with you my list of 10 techniques, I love to call them foolproof method for productivity and organization, that will help you to be at your 100% every day:
- Understanding your situation and stage of life: are you married?, do you have children?, are you a young person?, Are you a mature person?, do you work for somebody?, or are you working on your own?, etc…
- Observe your situation in detail and understand how much time you really have available. By analysing your lifestyle and your priorities, you can objectively understand the real time available to carry out day’s activities.
- Make a list: it seems obvious, but writing a simple to-do list is essential. A common mistake is to make an unrealistic list, where there are too many things to do and that you will not be able to respect. What happens if we fail to do all the things on the list? You bring yourself down and as result you are even less productive! Trust me, it happened to me millions of time!
- The Two Minute Technique: anything you can do in 2 minutes, do it now and you’re out of the box! For example, write an email, empty the dishwasher and so on.
- Prioritize urgent and fundamental things: if we have an important phone call planned, I recommend doing it first, so we avoid stressing ourselves during the day, we have dedicated the right time to a priority thing and consequently we know how much time we have left for other things.
- Cut out phones and social media. Doing so for a precise limited amount of time will help you to stay focused during that time. You can trust me here too! I have done this millions of times!
- Set the timing for everything to be done. This last statement is in contrast to points 4 and 5. It really depends a lot on how I feel. There are some mornings when I’m charged up and ready to take on the world so I start my day with the important things and other mornings when I need a little slow start so I start with the Two Minute technique.
- Make the list the night before: so, when you wake up you know what to do without improvising in front of the PC.
- One thing that helps a lot is to surround yourself with willing people. If you have productive colleagues who have a good organizational method, approach them and absorb their energy and their way of working, their techniques. On the contrary, get away from those who spend their time in front of the coffee machine complaining about the company. In my opinion they are unproductive people in both work and personal life. To be avoided!
- Finally, finding your own balance is a good thing. I mean a balance between work and private life: it does not make sense to have an amazing working life where you are super productive if you risk to screwing up your relationship.
This is my method to be productive, as I like to call it the foolproof method for productivity and organization. A list (in fact) of simple and logical techniques!
Obviously, there are many different techniques and methods to try. I hope you will find the best one for you. Also remember, the simplest methods are the more effective that work better.
Read also 10 good habits for women to start doing immediately.
Read also 20 ideas for sustainable mega decluttering
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