I own a small fridge and I truly believe it’s a positive factor! That’s right, in this way I can always have a complete view of what is in there and keep it tidy. In today’s blog I want to describe how I organise the fridge.
Shopping every two or three days, helps me buy what I need for the following days. Arranging my shopping in an orderly fashion is a perfect way to always know what I have and to consume everything without waste.
I clean it every 2/3 months using vinegar and water for the internal shelves and dish soap for the external areas.
I’m writing this blog during the summer when my online shopping via Pikt, has just arrived. So, today will be dedicated to products related to the season in terms of production and type. Pikt only delivers to the UK and only sells seasonal fruit and vegetables grown inside the country. I usually buy fruit and vegetables at the market with my cotton bags or at the Zero Waste shop near home.
However, I do also like buying via the Pikt website. For example, the salad arrives wrapped with recycled paper that I love to save to wrap Christmas gifts! Obviously, only if this has not been ruined or stained in the meantime! Via this website I also buy a type of vegetable called Pak Choi (it is difficult to find at the supermarket and when it’s actually available, it is wrapped with lots of plastic! bleah!). It is a typical food of Asia, but it is also produced in the UK. I really like it, I eat it simply steamed, seasoned with a little bit of oil and salt or with noodles.
In the summer, I also enjoy rocket and cherry tomatoes which I buy at Harvest. They’re packaged in a paper bag, or I buy them in bulk. I also buy asparagus which is my favourite seasonal vegetable. In a separate drawer, I keep other vegetables such as loose potatoes, onions, chives, fennel and courgettes.
I have the habit of separating the sweet from the savoury and placing them on two different shelves. On the shelf used for the sweet, I put yoghurt, which I eat for breakfast. Many have suggested making yoghurt by myself, I really want to try to do it. I buy yoghurt at the supermarket in plastic packaging and I am aware that this is something I need to improve on. I know, you can buy yoghurt in a glass jar, but it’s expensive, that’s why I’ve never bought it!
Summer strawberries are certainly part of my shopping list when I want to keep them in the fridge already cut and prepared. I put them in a glass container covered with a silicone lid. In my fridge there is no lack of milk, which is delivered to me at home by the Milkman. When I discovered this service I felt so excited, what a wonderful way to avoid the use of plastic bottles. It’s a service that doesn’t exist in Italy yet, but I really hope it will come soon!
In summer, I buy blackberries, blueberries, apricots and cherries, all packaged in recycled boxes.
In the savoury section, I have two types of butter, one from the supermarket that my boyfriend uses and a vegan one. If I open a package of tomato sauce then I keep it in the fridge covered with beeswax wrap.
The content of my fridge is very simple, made of products that I use daily and I try to consume without wasting anything.
Often at the supermarket, I say NO in front of something packaged with plastic. I am really convinced that with our choices we can determine the offer that is made to us. With our money we have the power to direct the market towards a direction that can reduce the environmental impact. I also look to avoid accumulating many things, even in the field of food, to consume without wasting anything. Respecting the work of those who produce, transport and all the labour behind each product.
The era of consumerism is over! We must approach a simple and respectful lifestyle towards our land and towards each other.
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