I’m not a very habitual person, but some good habits are essential in a woman’s life. The sooner you start adopting them the better. Here are my tips on 10 good habits for women to adopt now if you want to improve your life.
I want to start this list of the 10 good habits for women to start doing right away with an activity that we usually love and that costs us very little effort:
1) Prepare
Even if we don’t have to go out, my advice is to take care of ourselves. It takes little like combing your hair or putting on light make-up and dressing cute to immediately feel better. Occasionally it can happen to stay in pyjamas for a whole day watching a movie on the sofa, but let’s not make it a standard. It seems trivial, but preparing ourselves as if we were going to go out will make us more active and grittier during the day.
2) Smile to ourselves
Every time we find ourselves in front of a mirror, let’s look into it and smile. If we are not the first to have this attitude towards ourselves, others will certainly not have it. The power of a smile is magical. It will put us in a good mood that will also be contagious for others.
3) Pay a compliment
Compliments have the power to brighten the day of those who receive them they are a way to show empathy to others and make them happy. It takes very little, just saying a kind thing or pointing out something we like about others to trigger happiness in someone else’s life, to improve their day, giving these emotions to others will make us feel good. Complimenting is free, but it’s one of the most valuable things you can do.
4) Make a to do list the night before
Waking up in the morning already knowing what to do makes us start the day with determination and goodwill. We avoid any waste of time and take action. Just write a list the night before it could be written on your phone or on a piece of paper.
5) Practice healthy selfishness
Take some time to dedicate only to ourselves. Whether it’s getting a pedicure or applying nail polish, or tidying up a room in silence with peace of mind, cut out these spaces that are only ours every day. It is a form of self-love that leads to loving each other more. If we can’t find some time just for ourselves, how can we take care of others? I dedicate this habit to all those women who are mothers and workers, or just mothers who dedicate themselves to the home and to others, women who do not spare themselves every day in giving and caring for everything and everyone. I recommend taking some time to disconnect and do those things for yourself that you keep putting off.
6) Detach the brain
Remain even 10 minutes in silence with our eyes closed, observe and hear only your breath. Most of the thoughts enter inside us through images. Close your eyes and pay attention to the breath, observing inwards the interior does not shift attention to the outside but remain still within ourselves.
7) Exercise
Even just a little time each day dedicated to stretching, doing some movement with simple exercises will recharge and energize us and let oxygen into our body.
8) Let the bed breathe
You know that I am not a habit person and I do not like to wake up early, but above all, I do not love to make the bed in the morning! And that’s a good thing! Yes, that’s right, in fact letting the bed breathe all day is a cure for our health during sleep. Move the duvet and sheets to the foot of the bed every morning and let the humidity created at night evaporate and dry.
9) Wear cotton underwear
I know that you may like to have lingerie of lace, silk or, why not, leather. But wearing cotton underwear makes our body breathe. Just like when we sleep, humidity is also created in our intimate parts, if we use synthetic underwear we will not help in breathing.
10) Read a book before bed
I believe that the mind needs to be stimulated, activated and nurtured. Reading before bed helps to regenerate the mind as well as relax. Books have the function of enlightening and nourishing the mind. It can also be a light one, do not necessarily have to opt for substantial readings, the important thing is to read at least 10 minutes every night. I suggest two books: Un posto nel mondo written by Fabio Volo, An Italian bestseller, perfect if you want to improve your Italian and if you want to go to sleep feeling happy; Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill that will help you to create a plane to make your dream comes true.
Dear women, I recommend starting with one or two of these habits and making them part of your day you will be grateful.
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